Improve the kitchen of your house and plan a redesign for 2023


If you feel that you're beginning to outgrow your current kitchen space, or may have a new arrival on the way you might feel that change is in the air. Perhaps you're moving into a starter home and renovation is called for. Perhaps you just want to make a change for change's sake? One of the favourite places to initiate a makeover is the kitchen and there are so many different ways that you can go about it. This is not like a bedroom transformation which is far more straightforward in almost every respect. Here, you want to start out with a kitchen planner and answer quite a number of questions before you even start.

Yes, you may be a little frustrated with the way that this room is designed and laid out right now and you may wonder what on earth the original designer was thinking, but you don't want to automatically sacrifice every single element as you move forward. This is why it's important to ask yourself what you like about your existing place. There have to be some aspects that please you, that you would miss if they weren't there, so you should certainly bear these in mind as you plan.

Perhaps you want to completely transform the style. There are many different kitchen designs, from eclectic to country, from traditional to contemporary and modern. Think about each one and don't forget that you can mix and match certain elements if you want to come up with a completely handmade or bespoke version.

What do you use the kitchen for? It's important to be completely honest here. Are you using it for certain elements of storage? Is it a socialising room? Do you tend to eat all your meals in or around the kitchen, or do you use a formal dining room, which is an element that seems to be, quite sadly, going out of fashion somewhat ?

You also have to remember that there may be more than one master chef in this house. It's great to encourage your children to take up cooking as a hobby, something that can benefit them throughout their lifetimes, but if you do have multiple cooks you have to bear in mind any specific requirements that they may have.

It almost goes without saying but you do have to be honest and ask yourselves whether you really use your kitchen to plan creative meals which may require a lot of preparation space, as well as storage areas for specialty items. If you're always on the go and tend to use the microwave more than the stove, then factor this into your thinking.

When all is said and done, efficiency is a vital consideration. Remember the classic "triangle," which is the path between the cooking area, refrigerator and sink. You may be dreaming up something very special, but you have still got to work here, day in and day out and be certain that improvements you make really are improvements and not just cosmetic.

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